Quality of Life 101 : Definition, Examples and Solutions For A High Quality of Life


Embracing Quality of Life: A Guide for the African-American Woman

[40-45 minute read[

Hello and welcome to my blog about mental health, neurodivergence, and African-American womanhood. For information about what neurodivergence is, check out this article Harvard Medical School’s Website.

As “high functioning” autistic Black woman, I believe in holistic wellness in conjunction with science. What helped me go from being a homeless ex-foster youth to a self-employed and balanced adult was therapy, medication, a healthy support system and a higher quality of life. A key element of a holistic wellness journey is understanding and embracing the concept of Quality of Life. But what exactly does this term mean?

A High Quality Of Life Is Key To The Neurodivergent Black Woman

Quality of Life, as a concept, refers to the general well-being of individuals and societies. It's a broad term that outlines both negative and positive features of life. It's not about the quantity - the number of days, months, or years you live. Instead, it's about the richness of experiences, the depth of fulfillment and contentment you perceive in your life.

Navigating life’s ups and downs can be quite a journey, especially for us neurodivergent black women. We've got our unique experiences, dreams, and obstacles to consider. To spark some self-reflection and inspire growth, I’ve got a few questions to throw your way.

❤️ What are some steps you can take to improve your quality of life as a neurodivergent black woman?

❤️ How has your cultural heritage influenced your perception of quality of life?

❤️ In what ways can does the Black community support you in your journey to improve your quality of life as a neurodivergent person?

Why did I ask you these questions?

While reflecting on your responses, it's crucial to understand that as neurodivergent (ND) black women, we exist at the intersection of four forms of oppression: blackness, femaleness, being disabled or divergent from the norm, and typically, low income. Although the last factor may vary, it's likely that you're not wealthy!

Therefore, it's important to realize that these factors will heavily impact your quality of life. That's why this blog focuses on these issues. Unfortunately, there are few resources available for us, Black neurodivergent women.

Furthermore, while our rich Black cultural heritage has provided us with resilience and strength, it may not always offer enough support for our unique experiences. More needs to be done to support neurodivergent black women and female children. One such step could be the establishment of more community centers specifically focusing on black women and girls. Such spaces would be dedicated to understanding and addressing their unique needs, thereby fostering a more supportive environment for their wellness journey.

Anyway, back to the point ;)

What Does The Quality Of Life Entail?

Quality of Life observes life satisfaction, including everything from physical health to the less tangible, yet equally vital aspects of life. It encompasses the wellness of your body, the strength and support of your family, the level of your education, the stability of your employment, and your financial health as well.

These factors contribute to defining the quality of your life as they directly impact your comfort, happiness, and satisfaction.

Here is a deeper look into the various aspects that contribute to Quality of Life:

  • Physical Health: Your physical health is a crucial pillar of Quality of Life. It involves not only the absence of disease or illness but also regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate rest. It's about promoting wellness in your body, which directly impacts your energy levels, mood, and overall life satisfaction.
  • Family Support and Relationships: The strength and support from our families and social networks play a big role in our wellbeing. Healthy relationships provide emotional support, foster a sense of belonging, and contribute to our happiness.
  • Education: The level of education can significantly influence Quality of Life. It affects career opportunities, income potential, and even personal growth and development. Education can provide a sense of accomplishment, broaden perspectives, and enhance critical thinking skills.
  • Employment Stability: Stable employment provides a sense of financial security and can significantly impact Quality of Life. It can influence self-esteem, provide opportunities for personal development, and contribute to a sense of purpose and achievement.
  • Wealth: While money can't buy happiness, financial stability can alleviate stress and provide opportunities for enjoyable experiences, personal growth, and comfort. It can also provide a safety net for unforeseen circumstances, contributing to a sense of security and peace of mind.

Each of these aspects work together to construct the totality of an individual's Quality of LifeBy enhancing these areas, we can strive for a higher level of satisfaction, happiness, and overall wellbeing.

But it doesn't stop there. Quality of Life also includes elements of safety and security, the freedom to express oneself and make independent choices, religious beliefs, and even the environment in which one lives and works. These factors, though sometimes overlooked, are integral to wellbeing as they influence peace of mind and create a sense of belonging.

  • Spiritual Wellness: This involves the values, beliefs, and purpose that guide your life. Spiritual wellness can contribute to a sense of purpose and meaning in life, offering comfort during challenging times, and promoting harmony between internal values and external actions.
  • Emotional Well-being / Psychiatric Health: Emotional well-being refers to the ability to understand and accept our feelings, cope with stress, and maintain a positive outlook. Psychiatric health involves the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Both are crucial for maintaining a balanced mental state, ensuring overall happiness, and enhancing life satisfaction.

While enhancing quality of life may seem overwhelming, it truly is manageable. It's not about drastic changes, but consistent small steps towards overall well-being. As self-care becomes routine, the pursuit of a better quality of life turns into a rewarding journey. So, let's collectively transform self-care from obligation to routine.

As we embark on this journey, remember that a high quality of life is not a destination, but a continuous process of growth, self-love, and understanding. It's about embracing who we are as neurodivergent black women and leveraging our experiences to live fulfilling, balanced lives.

With that in mind, let's delve deeper into the next section - what does a high quality of life look like?

What does a high quality of life look like?

high quality of life can look different for everyone, as it deeply personal, shaped by individual experiences, circumstances, and aspirations. However, there are certain universal indicators that suggest a high quality of life.

One of the key indicators of a high quality of life is physical health. A person with a high quality of life typically experiences good physical health, maintains a balanced diet, gets regular exercise, and takes care of their body through preventative healthcare. This not only contributes to overall well-being but also boosts self-esteem and attractiveness, which can have positive effects on social and dating life. For instance, according to the World Health Organization, people who exercise regularly have a 20-30% lower risk of depression and dementia.

Example #1

Meet Jasmine, a 30-year-old African-American woman who works as a high school teacher. Jasmine was always known for her infectious energy and vibrant personality. However, a few years ago, she started experiencing chronic fatigue and depression. Her physical health was deteriorating, and her mental health was following suit. This was impacting her work performance and personal relationships.

Recognizing the need for change, Jasmine decided to take control of her well-being. She started by prioritizing her physical health. She joined a local gym and started attending fitness classes regularly. She also began seeing a nutritionist who helped her create a balanced diet plan.

Slowly but surely, Jasmine started seeing improvements in her physical health. Her energy levels increased, her mood improved, and she felt stronger. This motivated her to address her mental health. She sought the help of a therapist who specialized in cognitive-behavioral therapy. Through therapy sessions, Jasmine learned how to better manage stress and cope with her feelings of depression.

As Jasmine improved her physical health, she noticed a significant enhancement in her Quality of Life. She was happier, her relationships improved, and she started performing better at work. 

Jasmine's journey illustrates the importance of a holistic approach to well-being. It shows that by addressing our physical needs, we can significantly improve our Quality of Life.

The lesson from Jasmine's story is that our well-being is in our hands. It takes effort and commitment, but the rewards are worth it. As we strive to improve our Quality of Life, we must remember to take care of our physical health, nurture our mental and emotional well-being, and maintain strong, supportive relationships.

While Jasmine's story emphasize the importance of addressing individual aspects of our lives, it's equally important to recognize that sometimes we may face more than one deficit affecting our quality of life. In such cases, a comprehensive approach to self-improvement becomes crucial. Let's explore this through another example.

Example #2

Consider Lisa, a 40-year-old neurodivergent African-American woman who is a successful entrepreneur. Lisa had a challenging childhood, growing up in an underprivileged neighborhood. However, her determination and resilience led her to build a successful business. Despite her professional success, Lisa understood that the quality of life is not solely defined by career achievements.

Lisa placed a high value on her emotional well-being. Lisa sought counseling to cope with the emotional trauma of her past and learned techniques to manage her stress and anxiety. She also joined a support group for neurodivergent individuals, which provided her with a sense of community and understanding.

In terms of relationships, Lisa maintained close ties with her buddies from high school and built a supportive network of friends. She also mentored young women in her community, which gave her a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

Lisa also made it a point to continue learning and growing. She attended workshops and seminars, read extensively, and even went back to school to earn a master's degree in her 30’s.

Financially, Lisa was careful to live within her means and save for the future. Despite her success, she lived frugally and invested wisely, ensuring her financial stability.

All of these qualities made Lisa a remarkable catch in the romance part of her life. Within two years of dating, she was engaged to a partner who valued his quality of life as much as she did.

By focusing on these various aspects of her life, Lisa achieved a high quality of life. She was not just successful professionally, but also personally. She was physically healthy, emotionally balanced, socially connected, intellectually stimulated, and financially secure. Lisa's life is a testament to the fact that quality of life is a holistic concept, encompassing various aspects of our existence.

Decoding the Downside: Recognizing and Understanding Low Quality of Life

When one experiences a low quality of life, they often feel unfulfilled and unsatisfied. Daily routines can become mundane and tiresome, and life can seem monotonous. They may have unstable employment or financial insecurity, causing stress and worry.

Emotionally, a person with a low quality of life may experience feelings of sadness, anxiety, or frustration regularly. They might feel misunderstood or isolated, lacking a supportive network of family or friends. Lack of education or personal growth opportunities can also contribute to a low quality of life, leading to feelings of stagnation or lack of accomplishment.

Furthermore, living in a negative or unsafe environment can heavily impact one's quality of life, causing constant worry and preventing feelings of relaxation or comfort. Lack of engaging recreational activities can lead to boredom and a lack of joy. All of these issues combined can create a challenging and unhappy existence, where the person feels stuck or unfulfilled.

How do I know if My Quality Of Life is Low?

If you experience any of these on a daily basis, you may have a low quality of life and need to make some changes.

  • Constant Fatigue and Lack of Enthusiasm: If you're constantly feeling tired, no matter how much sleep you get, or if you're losing interest in activities that you once enjoyed, this could be a sign of a low quality of life. These feelings may be accompanied by a general sense of apathy or lack of motivation to make changes.
  • Persistent Feelings of Sadness or Anxiety: If you frequently find yourself feeling down or anxious, and these feelings do not seem to be tied to any specific event or situation, this could indicate a low quality of life. This could manifest as feelings of hopelessness, a lack of self-esteem, or constant worry.
  • Social Withdrawal: If you're isolating yourself from friends and family, avoiding social events, or just generally preferring to be alone most of the time, this could be a sign of a low quality of life. While everyone needs some alone time, humans are social creatures and too much isolation can contribute to feelings of loneliness and depression.
  • Poor Performance at Work or School: Struggling in areas where you were previously competent or losing interest in your work or studies can be a sign of a low quality of life. This might manifest as a drop in productivity, difficulty concentrating, or a lack of satisfaction from your work.
  • Neglecting Personal Care: If you're neglecting basic self-care tasks, such as eating healthily, maintaining personal hygiene, or taking care of your living space, this could indicate a low quality of life. These behaviors might seem small, but they can have a significant impact on your physical and mental health.

If these issues are leading to extreme circumstances, such as thoughts of self-harm, harm to others, homelessness, or unemployment, please reach out to your local county services. They can provide assistance. This might include medical intervention, temporary or long term counseling, skills classes, financial aid, and other resources to enhance your quality of life until you're able to manage on your own. Don't feel ashamed to seek help!

Under the Radar: Unseen Factors Lowering Your Quality of Life

Sometimes, our lives aren't always in disarray. New, temporary circumstances may arise, or something from the past may resurface. Possible situations might include, but are not limited to:

  • Unsafe or Unstable Living Conditions: Living in an environment that doesn't feel safe or secure, or constantly having to move from place to place, can create a chronic sense of worry and instability.
  • Lack of Personal Growth Opportunities: Feeling stagnant in one's personal or professional growth can lead to feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction.
  • Unresolved Trauma: Past traumatic experiences that haven't been properly addressed can continuously impact one's mental and emotional state, reducing quality of life.

Each of these factors can independently bring about a decrease in the quality of life. However, they often appear in combination, compounding their impact. It's crucial to understand that improving quality of life usually involves addressing these factors in a holistic and comprehensive manner.

Fortunately, both this blog and I favor practical steps!

Next Section: Practical Steps to Enhance Quality of Life

The journey towards a better quality of life necessitates the implementation of practical steps. In our quest for improved living, we often overlook the importance of actionable measures, focusing instead on abstract concepts and lofty goals. However, it is the everyday actions, the small but consistent steps, that lead us towards significant change. These practical measures form the foundation of our lifestyle changes, acting as the building blocks of our overall wellbeing.

By integrating these steps into our routine, we gradually shape our habits and behaviors, influencing our overall quality of life. Changes don't happen overnight, and it's the accumulation of these small steps that lead to noticeable improvements over time. The focus of this section is to provide you with a range of practical steps, from physical health to emotional well-being to social connections. Each of these areas plays a crucial role in our quality of life, and by addressing them with actionable steps, we start our journey towards a better, more fulfilling life.

Since this blog is written by and for African-American women, these tips will be geared towards us. (To be edited as the articles are posted).

  • Physical Health
    • Suggested Exercises
    • Importance of Balanced Diet
    • Importance of Regular Health Check-ups
  • Emotional Well-being
    • Importance of Therapy
    • Stress Management Techniques
    • Importance of Self-Care
  • Social Connections
    • Building Healthy Relationships
    • Finding Community
    • Importance of Supportive Networks
  • Education and Personal Growth
    • Continued Learning
    • Importance of Personal Development
  • Financial Stability
    • Smart Financial Habits
    • Importance of Saving and Investing
  • Emotional Well-being / Psychiatric Health
    • Importance of Understanding and Accepting Feelings
    • Therapy and Mental Health Support
    • Coping Strategies for Stress and Anxiety
  • Hobbies and Recreation
    • Finding Activities You Love
    • Benefits of Regular Recreation
    • Balancing Hobbies with Responsibilities
  • Conclusion: The Journey to a Better Quality of Life

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